About The Program

Become an accredited contest prep coach through Sports Nutrition Australia!

If you’re passionate about coaching contest prep athletes, this program will enable you to be insured while implementing effective practice for physique-based sports. Learn the skills required to structure an evidence-based contest preparation. Content will include, but is not limited to: training & nutrition programming across all phases, peak week strategies, and the recovery process following a competition season. At this stage there is no regulation surrounding best practice guidelines for physique sports, causing the use of ineffectual and potentially harmful preparation strategies. As a result, the goal of the program is to set an unprecedented standard for the safe and effective delivery of a contest preparation. Become confident in your knowledge and ability to deliver a structured plan which will not only achieve the desired outcome, but also prioritise the health and wellbeing of your client.

The program also provides access to an RPL (Recognised Prior Learning) pathway for those who meet the following prerequisite criteria:

They are Openly Accredited

The have at least 5 years physique competition preparation experience

They have prepped and competed competed in at least 2 seasons

This modality will assess 3 things for your RPL application. 2 client case studies and a personal case study submissions that adhere to the quality of standards being assessed based on the marking rubrics & criteria we have. Simply having ‘prepped’ someone for stage will not suffice as this criteria is strict.

For those looking to apply for this particular modality, please note that after enrolling you will receive an email requesting proof of the above criteria and then providing you with the marking rubrics for the scenario you will be submitting prior client data on. This data will need to be formatted (or reformatted) in a manner that is consistent with the format you will be assessed in (we will provide you with templates for submissions to make this easier). You will have 3 months and a complimentary resubmission for the RPL modality, in the event you do not pass you will need to pay for another enrolment. In the event you apply and pay and then receive the rubrics and don’t think you have the data sufficient to pass then will will allow you to use the $599 you have paid toward the full program instead.

Upfront Price

$2,000.00 AUD

Payment Plan (12-Month)

$240 AUD Per Month

Upfront RPL (Credit Process for Openly Accredited members only)

$240 AUD Per Month


The accreditation program will cover an incredibly comprehensive range of topics relevant to all phases before, during and after the contest preparation period.

Improvement Season Phase

Pre-Prep Phase

Prep Phase

Recovery Phase

Training Programming

Dietetic Considerations for Physique Athletes


If you want to experience a taste of what this course will entail then we highly recommend you attend or tune into our seminar! This seminar is run at a minimum annual frequency you can view details and purchase tickets for the event here.

The next seminar will be hosted both online and in Brisbane on Saturday the 10th of August.

Venue is TBC

Time for the event is 930am -4pm

Prices for the event are as follows:
$89AUD for a non-member
$59AUD for a member
$15AUD if you’ve completed the prep program previously!

Who Is The Program For?

This program is specifically designed for coaches wanting to specialise in contest preparation and invest in their career. Learn the skillsets required to apply evidence-based coaching and achieve successful and predictable outcomes that will prioritise the health of your client. In addition, completing the course will provide you with the opportunity to be insured and practice while being covered for conducting these specific coaching and career activities. If you are not a coach but would like to learn more about contest preparation, we highly recommend you attend our live seminars or purchase a digital copy!

Frequently Asked Questions

The estimated course length is 6 months for the theoretical component and 12 months for the practical component.
It is expected that you are able to dedicate approximately 4-6 hours of theory study per week. In addition, you will need to be consistent with your own practical training and nutrition protocols throughout the length of the course.
You must have completed a certificate with SNA and be currently ensured. Also, you must currently be enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate diploma.
This qualification allows you to prepare clients within physique-based sport in any division or federation worldwide. You become eligible for a professional insurance policy that covers you specifically for bodybuilding coaching activities.
Upon passing and completing this course, it provides you with the opportunity to be insured and practice while being covered for conducting these specific coaching and career activities.
The seminars are a broader and more introductory application of the content included in the course.

Frequently Asked Questions

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